We embrace our identity and the richness of Mexican talent. We unite in a multidisciplinary space for students who share a purpose. For that, we work together on projects that tackle urban and spatial challenges in our environment, with the goal of providing our targeted efforts to aid in solving the pressing issues that afflict our people and society.


The Bacab leyend...

In an age when the earth was young and the heavens unsteady, there existed four colossal Bacabes, Cantzicnal, Hosan-Ek, Hobnil, and Zac-Cimi, titans of the cardinal directions, painted in the sacred colors of the vibrant Yucatán. Birthed by the divine will of Itzamná and Ixchel, these guardians were bestowed with the formidable task of supporting the sky, holding aloft the celestial dome upon their broad and unyielding shoulders. Their duty was vital, for the world was yet a tempestuous sea, a canvas awaiting the order of existence.
Yet, shadowed by Kukulkan's envy, a cataclysmic battle erupted, threatening to rend the seams of reality. With the fury of the elements, the Bacabs warred against the serpent's legion, their song of creation clashing with the discord of oblivion. Through their valor and might, they cast the dark ones into the abyss, restoring harmony. Their legend, a tale of endurance and strength, became the foundation upon which the Mayans built their understanding of the cosmos—knowing that each tremor of the earth is but a testament to the Bacabs' eternal vigil, the keepers of the world's celestial balance.

Our five pilars...

Hobnil: Geourban Hardware Solutions

We forge the technology that attunes to the city's pulse. Our sensors gather whispers from the urban canopy, transfiguring them into digital insights, to delve into and comprehend the essence of our surroundings, echoing the ancient Maya's harmony with the natural world.

Cantzicnal: Geographic and Urban Data Science

We select and arrange the data that narrates the saga of our cities. We prepare urban information to unveil pathways to enhance the spaces we inhabit, echoing the ancient Maya's dedication to shaping their environment with intention and insight.

Zac-Cimi: Predictive Modeling and Geospatial Analysis

We breathe life into data. We craft models that unveil the tapestry of urban trends, guiding us in the quest for astute solutions for the community, akin to the Maya who, through their deep understanding of the stars and earth, foresaw the rhythms of their world.

Pak-it: Geographic Connectivity Hub

We weave together ideas and people. Building relationships that enable us to transport our solutions from the lab into the vivid reality, collaborating with others to enhance the spaces of our cities, much like the Maya interconnected their communities and knowledge to elevate their society.

Hosan-Ek: Spatial and Urban Geo-visualization

We render data visible through maps and graphics that speak with clarity. With our visual tools, the insights within the data are revealed, allowing all to see the narratives told about our world, akin to the Maya who illustrated their knowledge on carvings and codices, making the complex understandable.

Our community...

Angel Hernández Hernández

Expertise: Circuits and signals

Area: Hobnil

Role: Lead

Email: None

Josué Adalid Juárez Botello

Expertise: Networks and operative systems

Area: Hosan-Ek

Role: Lead

Email: None

Rodrigo Gerardo Trejo Arriaga

Expertise: Machine learning and modeling

Area: Zac-Cimi

Role: Lead

Email: None

Sebastián Guzmán Toscano

Expertise: Data analysis

Area: Cantzicnal

Role: Lead

Email: None

Eidan Owen Plata Salinas

Expertise: Graphics and user experience

Area: Pak-it

Role: Lead

Email: None

Descripción de la imagen

Roberto Eswart Zagal Flores

Expertise: All

Area: All

Role: Director

Email: None